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San Andreas, completely covered in snow!

GTA IV San Andreas - Snow Edition is a mod for the popular game.
Grand Theft Auto is hugely popular for its high action, plus epic storyline and graphics. Now you can turn your favorite scenes into an icy, white winter wonderland with GTA IV San Andreas - Snow Edition.
Installing GTA IV San Andreas - Snow Edition is simple. You already need to have GTA IV installed. Once you do, just unzip the file you've downloaded from this page, run IVSASetup.exe and follow the instructions given.
The graphics are fun and crisp. They add a completely new element to your gameplay. Occasionally, stability issues might occur which affect the mod.
If you're a fan of the GTA series, you'll enjoy seeing how the appearance of each scene can turn snowy with GTA IV San Andreas - Snow Edition.


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Author: admin
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